Monday, March 11, 2013

The Challenge Before Us

What an interesting and exciting time to be a Speaker!  We have the singular most marketable skill in a world ruled by communication - the ability to address an audience, to hold their attention, and to convey a message.  But what is the message YOU wish to convey?

For those of you who desire the stage as a professional Speaker please remember to whom much is given, much is required.  When you step in front of an audience of any size you do so as a de facto expert.  If you are speaking to a local civic group about real estate, your words carry weight and people may make a decision to buy, sell, debate, or stay out of the market based on nothing more than what you say during that twenty or so minutes.

The same applies to virtually any other topic.  Anthony Robbins' success today is built upon the foundation of information he taught years ago when he first came to be known as a thought leader in his own right.  Your success in the future will likewise be built upon the message or messages you deliver.  And remember, to your audiences the fact that you command the stage elevates you in their eyes to the position of expert.

The message which I am truly blessed to share with audiences has universal application.  Every person on the planet can and should find out the reason for which they were born.  We all have the opportunity to live lives of great meaning and significance when we do.  Ultimately, as a Christian and a Minister, I believe a life of great meaning and significance finds its only true and lasting fulfillment through faith in Jesus Christ.

That said, it is important within the diligence and steadfastness of my faith that I frame the message in terms to which everyone can relate no matter if they self-identify as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or profess no faith at all.  When I speak in a secular setting I am not preaching to win converts as much as I am disseminating a truth of Scripture which applies to all.

But, in a sense, I am preaching to win converts, and every professional Speaker is as well.  Our very success depends in no small measure upon winning public opinion within our sphere of influence as a thought leader.  Take for example the plethora of personal success systems.  There are countless books, CDs, and DVDs on the market aimed at pleasing the 'disciples' of Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, or Les Brown to name only three.  In every industry and market segment there are thought leaders who have followings.  And so it goes with you as well.

If your message does not have universal application as mine does, you should yet frame it for as large an audience as possible.  However, please endeavor to never lose sight of your audience's need to be treated honestly and with the utmost respect.  You hold great responsibility when you hold the microphone.  You are an expert, after all.  The challenge before us as Speakers is to honor the sacred trust between Speaker and Audience, and to seek their betterment at all times.
