Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Where Fearless Is The Norm

I have had many unique speaking opportunities in my life.  There was the time I was thrust in front of the camera with no warning, script, or time for rehearsal to do a commercial spot.  On another occasion, and with plenty of rehearsal, I led a Fearless Speaker Clinic for children ages 5 to 16 for 2 hours, and losing the audience’s attention was not an option!

But I have to say the most unique opportunities have come because of my life as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In 2002 I became a card-carrying licensed Minister under the apostolic covering of Foundations International Ministries (FIM) thanks in no small part to an initial referral from my brother in Christ, Steve Brown.  Just 18 months later I was part of FIM’s delegation to the All Nations Conference of Ministers in Cape Town, South Africa.

The Founders of FIM, Rob and Melinda Brondell, are an amazing couple who had apparently ‘preached’ me up to the South African Host Committee.  Two days before leaving a call from Rob let me know that after landing I would have time to shower before preaching that night.  Except that I had not so much as led a Bible Study in more than 25 years I was ready… not!  Turns out I was not only preaching, but closing a revival.  A revival.  In Africa. No pressure!

Fast forward 10 years.  In February of this year I got a call to deliver a word – except this time the call came through Sisters in Harmony, founded by Edmund Herman.  The call was not to preach but to participate in an Author’s Workshop and Roundtable with my second book, Be Known for Your D.E.E.D.S., one of the featured texts.  The location for the workshop and roundtable?  Rodney Bay in St. Lucia, West Indies!  Can I have an amen on that?!

It was just a few weeks later on 6 March that Ed asked if I would be willing to preach on a Sunday during our stay on the island.  My thought?  Are you kidding me? Absolutely, I want to preach in St. Lucia!

Talk about unique opportunities?  Instead let’s talk about unique funds.  I didn’t have the money to go!  All available cash was already committed to bills, a few repairs to my classic ’95 Bronco, and being smart about saving and spending.  So ‘want to go’ was very much tempered by ‘money to go’ and ‘money’ was winning, so to speak.

My prayers about the opportunity became reason sessions as I reasoned through whether or not this was in fact a call of God to preach in St. Lucia, or just an invite from well-intentioned peers. Then I went to my friend Steve Brown’s house for coffee.  Yep, the same Steve Brown who referred me to Rob and Melinda Brondell in 2002.

I could only cover my face as tears streamed down my face when Steve handed me a check for an amount that caused me to no longer question Who was inviting me, or why I was to go.  When you see the love of God manifest so clearly, emotions will get the better of you! I was being called to St. Lucia and without doubt it was God doing the calling.  Not unlike Cape Town in 2003, I would stand in front of a congregation with whom I had no prior connection.  The Pastor, whom I had never met before, gave me the mic to speak a word of great encouragement to his congregation.

Two days later I would preach to another congregation, and in between I would be invited to attend a Prayer Meeting, and once there – without advance notice – be asked to lead the meeting.  Three unique speaking opportunities all to audiences I did not know before stepping in front of them.  All ordained by God to speak His Word to those He loves so very, very much.

When blessed to represent the Christian faith, in the pulpit, at a prayer meeting, in a Bible study or some other venue, the responsibility to disseminate the truth of Scripture is not to be taken lightly or ill-advisedly.  And concerns about adequate time to prepare can be filed away!  I had started developing a lengthy discourse on paper which would have become the foundation for a few sermons – until the Lord had me abandon the project, and leave the work behind.

When the Lord calls you go where you are led to go, stay where you are led to stay, speak where you are led to speak, and say what you are given to say.  And for my brothers and sisters in Christ you’ll get a kick out of the following:

The airfare to St. Lucia was not booked in March, well in advance of the 8 May departure.  No, airfare was booked on 7 May, hardly in advance of the 8 May departure.  Knowing Who was calling had me prepared to go to the airport without a ticket because I knew God had it under control, and, after all ... I was headed to St. Lucia.  Crazy?  Not really.  Just unafraid to be a Disciple.
You see, in this realm of being a mouthpiece for the one, true Living God - fearless is the norm.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Speaking with Eternity on the Line

Most of the speaking opportunities with which I’ve been blessed have been before secular audiences.  There is always an uplifting theme, this is the crux of my messages after all, but a declaration of my faith in God is typically not mentioned.

When I tell audiences, “You can be better than you’ve been, and do more than you’ve done,” it is sometimes received as an affront to their character, accomplishments, education, or life’s journey, but that is never my intent.  As I continue to deliver my remarks all audience members come to an understanding that their lives are meant to count for something larger than a job, career, keeping a roof overhead, or staying in shape through diet and exercise.

In a purely secular (ecumenical? humanistic?) setting everyone can appreciate the question I asked back in 2008, “Why am I here?”  Certainly most have pondered, if only for a moment, that age-old question of our existence on this earth.  What I convey to all audiences is the truth that this question has an answer, and we can know it…with certainty.

In my book, ‘Be Known for Your D.E.E.D.S.’ I relate my own progression through the truth of unique existence, inherent design, and specific passion.  There is a certain ignorance in society (and some societies) when it comes to God’s every day work in our lives.  Ignorance, by the way, is not a bad word; neither is it an insult.  It is a statement suggesting lack of knowledge in a given subject area.

I am bold enough to declare that I possess a rudimentary understanding of God’s love for us, and this knowledge has opened my eyes to, among other things, how blessed we are in the U.S., how amazing the earth’s distance from the sun really is, mankind’s dominion, and why the cycle of life on this planet ensures our continued existence.

When called upon to speak in churches, or to audiences comprised mostly of Christians, I am able to swing for the fences, to coin a phrase.  I can get to the heart of the matter, and express the Father’s will concerning the ‘why’ of our being, and further His agenda for the building of His kingdom (Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…).

‘Be better than you’ve been, and do more than you’ve done’, finds its home in the hearts of men and women who embrace the big picture of life, and the very uniqueness of their own lives.  Minds begin opening to the truth of unique, inherent design when I state the very simple fact, “There’s a reason there aren’t six billion doctors on the planet. We don’t all want to be doctors.”

Speaking with eternity on the line means I will convey God’s truth about our lives, and the importance of living for a purpose beyond our immediate needs.  The folks who adhere to the humanitarian aspects of other faiths, volunteer for philanthropic causes, or earnestly try to ‘pay it forward’ each day, are modeling that piece of God He has provided, though often are unaware of its source.

What I present to audiences is the truth God has blessed me to know, to live, and to share.  He opens doors for me to enter in with the message of higher calling, higher achievement, and higher living.  Destiny is on my lips for all to hear.  I do not hide my faith in Christ.  I do not shrink from being fully persuaded faith in Christ alone is the key to receive all this life, and the one to come, has to offer.

I speak knowing eternity is on the line.


Monday, March 11, 2013

The Challenge Before Us

What an interesting and exciting time to be a Speaker!  We have the singular most marketable skill in a world ruled by communication - the ability to address an audience, to hold their attention, and to convey a message.  But what is the message YOU wish to convey?

For those of you who desire the stage as a professional Speaker please remember to whom much is given, much is required.  When you step in front of an audience of any size you do so as a de facto expert.  If you are speaking to a local civic group about real estate, your words carry weight and people may make a decision to buy, sell, debate, or stay out of the market based on nothing more than what you say during that twenty or so minutes.

The same applies to virtually any other topic.  Anthony Robbins' success today is built upon the foundation of information he taught years ago when he first came to be known as a thought leader in his own right.  Your success in the future will likewise be built upon the message or messages you deliver.  And remember, to your audiences the fact that you command the stage elevates you in their eyes to the position of expert.

The message which I am truly blessed to share with audiences has universal application.  Every person on the planet can and should find out the reason for which they were born.  We all have the opportunity to live lives of great meaning and significance when we do.  Ultimately, as a Christian and a Minister, I believe a life of great meaning and significance finds its only true and lasting fulfillment through faith in Jesus Christ.

That said, it is important within the diligence and steadfastness of my faith that I frame the message in terms to which everyone can relate no matter if they self-identify as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or profess no faith at all.  When I speak in a secular setting I am not preaching to win converts as much as I am disseminating a truth of Scripture which applies to all.

But, in a sense, I am preaching to win converts, and every professional Speaker is as well.  Our very success depends in no small measure upon winning public opinion within our sphere of influence as a thought leader.  Take for example the plethora of personal success systems.  There are countless books, CDs, and DVDs on the market aimed at pleasing the 'disciples' of Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, or Les Brown to name only three.  In every industry and market segment there are thought leaders who have followings.  And so it goes with you as well.

If your message does not have universal application as mine does, you should yet frame it for as large an audience as possible.  However, please endeavor to never lose sight of your audience's need to be treated honestly and with the utmost respect.  You hold great responsibility when you hold the microphone.  You are an expert, after all.  The challenge before us as Speakers is to honor the sacred trust between Speaker and Audience, and to seek their betterment at all times.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Unthinkable Does Happen!

We speakers can be a crazy bunch!  We prepare like there's no tomorrow, write and re-write presentations, then rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more.  To the audiences who sing our praises the work we do on stage seems effortless.  It is far from it but there is a possibility which can chill the blood of even the stoutest of pro failure.

Not us, of course!  We know better than that - shoot we're built to stand up to the greatest of stresses.  No, no, no, I'm talking about the total failure of the technology on which we depend - that's the chiller, and why?  Because in many circumstances there is no way to prepare for it, no way to avoid it, no way to remedy it.  When it happens, stick a fork in's done!  And you, my friend may be, too.

Case in point.  February 9, 2013, Shine Conference 2013 in Tampa, Florida.   I was hired to deliver a breakout session on Fearless Living.  In preparation for the opportunity I created an 80 slide presentation on my trusty laptop.  Ahead of me was one hour and fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time with one of my heart's desires - an audience of my very own. 

The ballroom was beautifully equipped with a top of the line LCD projector and a screen right out of my dreams - 20 feet wide and 20 feet tall.  The Electrical Engineer had prepped the mic at the podium and had a separate wireless at my request because of how I like to interact with my audiences.

My audience was comfortably seated at their tables. Behind the podium, the presentation was queued, mics were live, and I was being introduced.  The moment for which I had been preparing was upon me, and the anticipation of the audience was about to be satisfied.  As I stepped to the podium for my opening remarks I gestured to the screen and saw 400 square feet of ... blank.  (for those of you keeping score at home, a blank screen in the first minute of a 75-minute presentation is not an anticipated outcome)

What happened?  For the first time ever, as far as our hosts with the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) in Tampa knew, the LCD projector's overheat sensor had shut off the machine; the machine housed in a metal frame 30 feet above the lecture hall floor! 

What happened in minutes two to five in my presentation?  I briefed the audience on what we would discuss and began distributing the handouts.  Beginning in minute six?  The show must go on, and it did.  I did my entire presentation - without slides - and kept the audience.   How?

As Speakers we never know when the Unthinkable is going to happen.  All we can do is be prepared.  The Five P's should always be close by - Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.  Remember my blog on The Performance Method?  I conceive all of my presentations and speaking events in my mind then mentally visualize them happening.  Before committing anything to paper, rehearsals are typically underway for at least a week.

80 Slides, not memorized, but known.  75 minutes presented after the Unthinkable happened.  But something else happened as well.  Success...for my audience because I was prepared.  Audiences are the reason we do what we do, and no measure of preparation can be said to be too much when the Outcome defeats the unthinkable.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Live Life Fearlessly

Living life without fear is like breathing without air. It is not possible. Fears will come. Fear shows up when the bill money is low but the bills are high. It's there when the doctor says she's sending your x-rays to a colleague to take a closer look. It rears its ugly head when the layoffs you have heard were coming...arrive.

Fear accomplishes many things in the lives of men, women, and children: anger, resentment, disobedience, violence, greed, theft, adultery, jealousy, hate, and a multitude of other destructive emotions. Our lives and relationships are damaged - sometimes beyond repair - when we allow fear to have free rein; to go unchecked. But it does not have to be this way. There is a way which leads to peace in the midst of even the most pressing and immediate fears.

That way is anchored in your faith in God, but there's more to it. I know plenty of God-'fearing' folks who are as tormented by the fears of this world as anyone. What separates my life and view from theirs?

The answer is found in the sure knowledge of WHY am I here on this planet. Fortified by my faith in God, I have taken the time to dig deeply into what makes me, me. Long sessions of self-examination successfully enabled by a foundation of prayer have revealed my design. Design? You see we are more skillfully crafted than anything we ourselves are able to design and manufacture.

Amazing software powering programs we call artificial intelligence are yet primitive when compared the brilliant complexity of the human being. The part of you which is not defined by your skin, eye, or hair color; your height or weight; your education or beliefs (or lack thereof), is unique to you. In teaching my D.E.E.D.S. curriculum I point my audiences to an undeniable fact - there is a reason there aren't six billion doctors on the planet. Not everyone wants to be a doctor!

We are all unique, masterpieces of design. Some of us are designed to be doctors, others to be pilots, still others to be movie critics. What is your design? What activity has always fascinated you? What were you known for as a child? What did you want to do no matter what other children wanted to do?

In my book, Be Known For Your DEEDS, I provide seven case studies of individuals who enjoy varying levels of financial success today (and nine traits they share), but who are all living a satisfying life based on following their intrinsic design. Back to the interplay with faith in God....

When you come to the realization there is a concrete reason why you are on this planet, and that you are uniquely designed to achieve the destiny for which you were created, there is little that will scare you away from so important a mission. Those who try to dissuade you based upon their own ignorance, and attempt to de-value your existence are to be ignored. YOU are created in the image of God, and are not the result of freakish, random chance!

YOU are here by plan and design. But why? Only you can discern that, and it is vital that you do. Destiny and a life to be lived fearlessly are waiting, but what about those nasty fears lurking in the mailbox, on the job, in the economy, not to mention the phobias which can paralyze us (fear of heights, confined spaces, the dark, death, snakes, spiders, etc.)?

Fear, no matter the name we assign to the symptom, stands in the way of your destiny and provokes you to turn back. Fear stands in the way of a life with great meaning, value and quality. It will be faith in the God who created you, and the will you demonstrate to define your passion in life (intrinsic design), that will eradicate fear as a threat. It may still rise up, but it will be ignored, dealt with, and/or handled because it no longer controls you. You now control your emotional responses and have become free to live the life to which you are called and were born!


Be Known for Your DEEDS is available on Amazon and