The ‘Jerry’ method?? Okay, admittedly I need a new name for my speech preparation discipline. So while explaining the ’Jerry’ method I’ll be thinking of the new title. Agreed? Agreed.
Some years back I was asked to be a Guest Lecturer for a Bible School class at a local church. My message that night had been thoroughly researched and carefully written. I knew the information not just from my recent research in anticipation of its delivery, but from other studies of Scripture that had taken me to the same texts. I was aware of context, history, personalities, and a number of relevant cross references in advance of preparing my remarks.
With my lecture written, I was ready for the class – or so I thought. I felt unable to discuss the topic of the lecture apart from reading what I had written. What had happened?? I knew the subject matter; I knew the background information; I knew the personalities to be discussed, but why the need to read rather than having the freedom to properly teach?
At that time the aim of my lecture/speech preparation was the creation of a written product. I felt chained to the page. Today my research is just as detailed, but I no longer focus on producing a paper; instead my focus is on performance and delivery. Geared toward performance, I now visualize the entire event in my mind before composing a word.
By the time I begin rehearsal I will have set the stage for success in my mind, but not a word will yet be written. I research then rehearse what I have learned while continuing to conceive the lecture or speech in my mind. When finally the lecture or speech arrives on paper, I know it cold. My general knowledge of the subject matter now enhances the specifics of the remarks, and I am able to give the class or audience a memorable and interactive experience.
This was once the ‘Jerry’ Method. As promised a new, more definitive title for my speech prep discipline has been created. It is now The Performance Method. More on the practical application of The Performance Method to come….
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