Monday, August 25, 2014

A New Direction

A new direction for my JDtheSpeaker blog debuts today!

Previously, I have written about the craft and art of public speaking in this space.  The new direction of this blog will now expand to include my Speaker's 'voice' on the issues of the day, and world events. As a Christian who views the world through the lens of my faith, it is important to me to #LiveLifeFearlessly, and that means to write about it as well as to physically speak about it.

To enter into this new direction I must veer away from my prior silence on the so-called issues of the day and world events.  My silence has been due mostly to an effort on my part to not mix my faith with the marketing of my talents as a writer and professional speaker.   It has become quite clear to me that although the two may remain separate, an outlet for my faith-voice must be established, and this space is most convenient for that purpose.

I am keenly aware that the Christian viewpoint has been marginalized to such an extent that even the physical public square no longer welcomes opinions at odds with what passes for morality in the world today. Therefore, I get that one cannot espouse a Christian worldview as a blogger in this post-modern era without an understanding that one day the thought police will show up to enforce a silence of their own.  Voices can be silenced, it is true.  However truth cannot.

Abortion on demand, for example, has resulted in the deaths of more than 50 million unborn children. This is true.  And the truth which cannot be silenced is how utterly wrong it is to take the life of an unborn child.  The 40+ years since Roe have not silenced the voice of truth, and will never do so.

So the truths I wish to convey may not hold water for some, and in fact may agitate others.  I will do my best to honor the sanctity of God's Word (the Holy Bible) in all of my writings, and in the consideration of topics dealt with.  So those who simply disagree, or worse, will have a mediator in the form of the Bible itself.  They and I can take a look at Scripture and determine quite readily if I have strayed from its truth.

If I am out of line with Scripture, then that will be easily discerned and brought to my attention for correction.  If Scripture itself is out of line with a given reader's beliefs then perhaps we can find common ground elsewhere on other issues, or simply agree to disagree.  This is fair, and we grow by retaining the civility which enables debate.  Each side deserves at least to be heard.

I will review comments, and print all those which are suitable for public consumption.  You may agree with me yet how you state your agreement may not get your comment published.  Alternatively, you may disagree and find I am quick to provide the space for your concerns to be noted.  One thing to note, language unsuitable in your Mother's presence will be unsuitable in the comments section. Just saying....

Your comments are welcome.  May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob be or become your strength, provider, and Lord.


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