Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Coach in Me

I love people!  I can be in a mall or at the beach, on a dinner cruise or in a casino, and I will strike up a conversation with a total stranger. Of course, in my view, there are no strangers only friends I have yet to meet.

While I make no claims on being the life of any party, it is a safe bet that my personality type will seek to add laughter and good feelings to any social occasion. The nature of the good feelings I will freely sow into a crowd are complimentary in nature. I can find something worth noting in everyone. It might be their physical appearance, perhaps their profession, home town, college, or favorite sports team.

Because of my affinity for my fellow humans and willingness to engage in gab, I have added significantly to my knowledge base. This has resulted in an ability to find a commonality in even the most ethnically and culturally diverse gatherings. Which brings me to the topic of coaching.

When I take on a new client who desires to improve their public speaking performance, their professional presentation skills, or to improve their spoken English language skills, they can have great confidence I have their best interests at heart. I want my clients to achieve at the highest levels in every endeavor to which they commit themselves.

The basis for my well wishes interestingly has little to do with my bottom line. Of course my success as their coach does bless me financially, and it directly affects their success in the area for which my services were retained. But more importantly, I celebrate their successes because of what it means to them, their careers, and families.

It is an amazing privilege to operate in my passion for communicating and serving people. The Coach in me relishes each opportunity to help someone maximize their potential, and live the passion in their own lives.


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