Sunday, May 27, 2012

Be a Finisher!

I have just finished publishing a book for a gentleman in Florida.  He worked diligently, thoughtfully, and finished his manuscript.  Then he sent me the completed manuscript which I edited and published.  Completion is a beautiful thing.

A dear friend of mine by the name of Dennis Mwanza was visiting with me in 2005.  In a Bible Study he led, the message was, Have a Finishing Anointing.  You see, many people are terrific at beginning projects.  Other folks are equally adept at picking up a project mid-stream, and working it.  It seems, however, that far fewer people have the ability to start a project, and see it through to a successful conclusion.

Most projects of any size and difficulty require a tremendous amount of discipline to see them through to completion.  Within Discipline (adherence to character) are the Four Keys to Project Completion. #1 is Demonstrate Resolve (determination in the face of opposing odds); #2 is Show Dedication (avoiding the distractions that will arise); #3 is Have Ambition (achievement leading to promotion); and #4 is Provide Leadership (ability to inspire others).

The gentleman in Florida set about to write a book.  He began with inspiration like so many do.  His inspiration was enough to begin writing.  How many get inspired and start strong?  When the natural inspiration began to wane, he had to generate his own.  He had to remember why he had started the book (project), and the resulting benefit to himself and others once it was completed.  Then he had to keep writing.  He had to write on the days he loved to write, and he had to write on the days when he'd rather do anything else.

He had to maintain discipline.  With discipline he brought his manuscript to completion.  A project, more than 100 pages in size, with a difficulty anchored in the unknown - he had never written a book.  Who could have blamed him if he threw in the towel 40, 50, or 60 pages in?  The excuse would be, "I'm a little burnt out.  I'll pick it back up next week," or perhaps, "I've got writer's block.  I need some fresh inspiration."

The end result in most cases of 'burn out' or 'writers' block' is months pass, excuses mount, and the project languishes on the scrap heap of other abandoned, inspirations.  If you recognize yourself here, then you know the book could be any number of projects we undertake but never quite finish.  As my friend from Zambia noted, "We tend to lack a finishing anointing."

The next time inspiration hits try this simple exercise...

1. Find real paper (the back of an envelope will not work!), and write down the inspired idea.
2. Write down the date of the idea
3. Imagine the project completed, and create a start-to-finish outline of your successful project
4. Don't quit this exercise until it is fully realized, and do it in one sitting.

You will have gone further and done more than 99% of the project starters on the planet. You owe yourself a pat on the back, but not a long one.  Now sit back down and plot a realistic timeline for completion.  Then crank up your discipline, get busy, and finish strong!


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