Wisdom cannot be found lying about like so many pennies and dimes. It will not attach itself to you, and comes not by accident. It is not easily gained, but is worth the time and expense to acquire it. Wisdom's payoff is most obvious when mistakes are not repeated, goals are set and met, and our tongue speaks blessings. Wisdom is not intelligence, but points to it. Intelligence is not wisdom, but is pointless without it.
I don't believe that I am so different from folks in my age demographic. I can look back upon my life and trace the roots and growth of my own wisdom. It's often a humorous exercise as I marvel at the ignorance of my youth, and am yet standing today! Surely this is the definitive in the proof of God's existence. Without Him I am quite sure things would have turned out differently for me.
Wisdom put to use recently, I was engaged in a conversation with one of my coaching clients when the thought crossed my mind to expound more on a speech she was to give. There were some tweaks which would have improved the text, and maybe added a laugh to move the speech along at a better pace. But her confidence level going into the performance of her speech was not so much solid as fluid. Wisdom dictated that I refrain from too much advice, and instead encourage. She 'blue-ribboned' in her Toastmasters club, and when she said, "I couldn't have done it without you," wisdom was vindicated.
The path along which wisdom comes our way is winding, hilly, and laden with exposed roots, loose stones, and low hanging branches - all of which requires our attention. We can navigate the path oblivious to the obstacles, stumbling as we go, but then they will remain obstacles in place for our next jaunt down this particular path. It is when the obstacles are seen for what they truly are - opportunities - that wisdom becomes a companion, growing within us and enriching the experience of the journey.
If time permits, take a meditative pause in your busy day to reflect on activities, relationships, work, or other life experiences which have been enhanced through your accumulated wisdom. Then smile. You are progressing, getting better everyday, and earning the wisdom found in a life well-lived.
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